Saturday, 9 July 2016

My favourite snapchatters!

Today I thought I'd do a post on my favourite people to follow on snapchat. I spend more time on the app than I care to admit, but I just can't help it, it's so addictive! So if like me you're always looking to find new people to follow, then keep on reading, and I apologise in advance for the extra time you'll spend on snapchat after reading this! ;)

First and foremost is the beautiful Marissa Carter. If you don't know who I'm talking about then you must be hiding under a rock! Marissa is the CEO of the phenomenal fake tan brand Cocoa Brown. Since launching the brand in November 2012, the brand has gone from strength to strength, and that's all down to pure graft from this lovely lady. Her snapchat is full of motivational quotes, books that she reads, events she attends, baking and loads of other stuff! This lady is so motivating, and I can't wait to see what else is up her Cocoa Brown sleeve! 

Next up is Rosemary Maccabe. This girl is a journalist based in Dublin and just seems like an all round nice person. Again her snapchat is quite varied, from events, to her laser tattoo removal, clothes hauls (her love of ASOS is something I think a lot of us can understand). There's nothing that this girl won't talk about, which I love! Also another reason I love her is because she's spoken so openly about her mental health issues, which I find so inspiring. And if that's not enough, she has a ridiculously cute dog!

Another personal favourite is Cherry Sue (or if you're so nclined to call people by their real names then it's Sue Jordan. I follow a lot of snapchats, some just for the lols, some to ogle all their amazing designer bags etc, but Sue's is a mix of beauty, lifestyle, but she's also full of super helpful advice, which you can relate to both blogging and real life. Sue works a day job like the rest of us, and also has a fantastic and super successful blog (Her What Rustle My Jimmy Post's are my personal favourite),and just seems to know so much in regard to the blogging world and she has no problem at all in sharing all she's learned with some who are just starting out which is a great help to us small blogger folk!

Next up is Laura's Views, or My Make Up Perspective as she was previously known as. This girl is just the girl we'd all love to have as our best friend, seriously. Bright and bubbly and drop dead gorgeous with such a great sense of humour, what's not to love! Again her snaps are really varied, full of beauty and every day stuff, but at the moment I'm really intrigued by her turning vegan. While I'm not vegan myself  I just find it so interesting to see what she's eating (lot's of bananas FYI). Also, if you love to annoy your boyf, then go watch Laura's snaps, she's also a fan! :)

Last, but by no means least is Karen over at Lovely Girlie Bits. I've followed this girl for ages because she is just so damn hilarious! Her snaps are full of helpful beauty advice, and a lot of the time new products that I want to buy but don't really need! First world problems eh! Besides that she has a great sense of humour and personality that just shines through in her snapchat stories and also in her youtube videos, so if you like to laugh out loud a lot, then follow Karen! (Seriously more often than not I'm laughing really loud when watching her snaps). 

So ladies, that is some of my favourite snapchatters. I could name loads, but these are the ones that genuinely make me excited when a new story pops up from them! Who are your favourites to follow, or are you even on snapchat?
Thanks for reading, 
Alisha xxx